Week nine brought us an extra day to live this year. What a remarkable thing.
Week nine also marks the first time I’m not including an image of a cat or dog. I am not sure if this is actually an accomplishment. Motivated by a desire to have different images to include this week, I happily filled my days with different ventures. But my original goal with all this was not to do things for the sole purpose of having something interesting to log. My goal was to see my world, my days, my moments, better and with more gratitude. I feel a little bit like a failure on the days I’m scrambling for a decent image — like I should have noticed more beauty throughout the day.
The thing is, I live in Upstate, New York. And it’s winter. And I commute thirty minutes by car to work. I do notice things like sunsets and cloud formations, majestic trees towering over fields, snow laden street lamps holding vigil over the parkway… but I’m in the car. It’s not exactly the most conducive setting for picture-taking.
So for now, finding images to help me talk about each day in a way that paints a pretty picture is going to have to be enough.
The Utica Zoo offered a free admission day. It’s a humble little zoo, but we enjoyed observing the baby red pandas as they pounced on each other in poofs of fur, the intimidating wolves as they patrolled their territory, and the otherworldliness of the lazing lynx.
And then we saw this guy. My old friend.
The emus used to be in a different enclosure, and every time I’d visit, this one emu would — no joke — scoot over making its weird gagunking belly noise. It would stare daggers into my soul before protruding its neck and head out at me in a clear “come at me, bro” gesture.
But I didn’t see hatred in his eyes this time. Look at them. I see… curiosity?
This sidewalk crack looks like Florida.
Like I said, driving is not the best time to try to take a picture. But it’s also the time I most frequently spot things I’d like to capture. This image does not do this view justice, but it’s largely symbolic anyway. As I rounded the hill and got to the other side, I took in the landscape beyond and wondered about what lies ahead for me.
The Nobe called to let me know the David Levithan book I ordered came in. While I was there I picked up a copy of Poets & Writers, but it turns out I needn’t have bothered. Kath (my friend from MUCC/the writing group) gifted me a subscription. The magazine I bought in the store was already waiting for me at my house!
Two of my coworkers came through big time after I sent out my coffee SOS. I was running late and didn’t have time to stop. This could have been tragic. But Judith grabbed me Utica Roasting from Maple Leaf and Loucy brought this amazingly gianormous travel mug filled with fresh real coffee (last time I sent out an SOS he printed a picture of a Dunkin cup and left that on my desk).
We do not own four recycling bins. But the winds of Cornhill have corralled our neighbors’ bins in front of our house, just as they sweep all the stray pieces of refuse from the street into our bushes. It’s not exactly a pretty picture, and the base of our porch doesn’t exactly look pretty littered with other people’s garbage. But when I walked outside to this in the morning before heading to the gym, I couldn’t help but chuckle. And being able to start the day with a laugh is kind of a beautiful thing.
Leap Day evening was spent at a girls get together hosted by Amanda. Here we see D’mila demonstrating something x-rated to Caitlyn.