This was a messy week full of dark moments and light moments and numb moments and I-need-some-rum moments.
Mostly this week, I just felt tired. Exhausted. Spent.
But we gave the students a creative writing assignment, and some of the student responses warmed me up.
Dragged my butt to the garage to try to kick myself into gear with an afternoon WOD on Monday. Our “Fluffy Butt Gym” has pretty lights now.
As the creative writing responses continued to roll in, I started to get grading fatigue. There are a lot of responses to read and respond to… But then this one came across my desk, and all I could do was laugh. I had to run around to my colleagues and show them this gem.
I really, really attempted to stick with NaNo for the first few weeks of this month, but by the end of this week, I just couldn’t do it any more. The process of writing wasn’t bringing me joy. I didn’t have the mental capacity to dive into the story I want to write… and there’s nothing more defeating than having no energy to enjoy something you were really looking forward to.
Still, though, I’m incredibly grateful for the local writing community that Joannie has fostered. The Zoom meets always put a smile on my face.
Here’s where I attempted to plug on through NaNo, and where I came to the realization that I don’t want to force this next story out of me right now. And that brought me a little peace, I suppose, in the bittersweet way that letting go of something can.
Corinne stopped by and brought me this gift she made me! Maybe this was my problem all along as I attempted to get words on the page this November— I didn’t have Sammy next to me.
There’s one text message strand I can always count on to make me laugh out loud.