Week Twenty-Four was not my best week. Sunday The fresh air at the top of the ski hill was needed. At least I got out and walked. Monday I’m not sure what this funky thing is. I mean, I’m assuming it’s a caterpillar? But I’m not sure what type and I’m a little afraid of…
Category: Photo Journal
Inspired by author David Levithan, I tried something new—something intentional with the every day. As a record of the real life I live, I began compiling one picture from each day of the year—a flip book of sorts of 365 (366 the first year) moments in my life.
I did this for two years but stepped away from the project in 2022. Now I’m back at it but with a slightly different agenda:
- Weekly posts
- A picture spotlight each week (not each day)
- Themes
Every other week I will focus (get it?) on a photography technique or theme. Don’t get excited- it’s about to be amateur hour. I just want to force myself to get out there and then get writing. Alternating weeks will be more “day in the life” snapshots like I’d done in the past.
So let’s find that joy in the quotidian– in the cozy cat cuddles, and the sounds and scents of coffee brewing. Let’s capture the quiet moments and relish the slow mornings… And then let’s have a wild rumpus or two. Because sometimes you need one of those.
Life is about both the every day and the exceptional. So let’s make note of it all– the big stuff and the little moments in between. Because only together do they add up to a life.
“This is another thing I’ve learned: There are no ordinary days.”
– David Levithan
2020n June – Week 23
The world keeps turning… Week Twenty-Three arrived and has since faded into the past. COVID-19 time is strange. Years pass in single days and months change overnight. Somehow I keep putting one foot in front of the other (although some days it’s just to move from the bed to the couch). Sunday Going to a…
2020 May – Week 22
The world is on fire. Fevers and riots. That’s what Week Twenty-Two had in store across the United States. I have whiplash from all the things vying for my attention with the intensity in which they are requiring it. Racial injustices are at the forefront of everyone’s minds (or should be). Protests, rallies, riots, calls…
2020 May – Week 21
This was week twenty-one of the year, but week ten of this responsible distancing adventure. I can’t complain. It hasn’t been bad for me the way it’s been bad for others. I have a job. And a house. And cats. For some, this whole thing has created instability and financial distress. For me, it’s given…
2020 May – Week 20
Hello and goodbye Week Twenty. I don’t know what to say about you. Another week in isolation. Another week stressed about engaging students and the uncertainty of next year. Another week fighting off The Funk (AKA the listlessness, the existential crisis, the heaviness…) But there were bright spots in Week Twenty. More consistently nice weather…
2020 May – Week 19
Week Nineteen felt at odds with itself. It started so bright and sunny and optimistic. It ended so cold and dark and uncertain. Week Nineteen was the first full week of May, yet it snowed two days in a row. Our weather patterns are changing and it’s freaking me out. In fact, everything’s kind of…
2020 April – Week 18
Week Eighteen brought us the announcement from Governor Cuomo that schools will be closed for the remainder of the year. I am okay with this. Of course, OF COURSE, I miss my students and think online teaching kind of sucks (Did I say kind of??). But the ELA teachers and I have a plan. As…
2020 April – Week 17
Another week of social distancing in the books. Week Seventeen saw repeated news stories about the daft man “running” this country and reported on protesters in some states with signs that literally said, “Sacrifice the weak” and “Give me liberty or give me death!” These were so ridiculous, I actually wondered if people were trolling…
2020 April – Week 16
Week Sixteen sort of felt like the week that wouldn’t end. Or was that last week? Or every week? Forced to stay still for so long, I am realizing that hiding under the layer of stress I usually feel by the hundreds of things that keep me busy during a week, is an anxiety. I…
2020 April – Week 15
EVERY DAY IS THE SAME DAY. Which is pretty much the exact opposite of the lesson I set out to teach myself with this photo project. Maybe looking back months from now Week Fifteen will stand out to in some kind of way. After all, it is the week they announced they’re pushing this “pause”…